Lake Guntersville State Park

Eagle Awareness Month, Jan. 6th-7th, 2007
Sorry it has taken so long to get this up.
Although the masses (except two) decided against paddling on the second day due to the potential rain storm, this trip was a complete success (I hope the ATL guys agree). The purpose of this website was for the opportunity to meet people that are involved in the same general sport and to build more knowledge of the sport, learn new things and most of all develop new friendships. I believe all were accomplished.
We had a total (I think) of twelve kayakers from a wild assortment of locations. Two from Atlanta, one from Alex City, three from Birmingham, two from Ashville, one from Boaz, two from Huntsville, one from Gadsden.
We met as planned at the Town Creek fish camp and once everyone suited up and was ready we paddled to the first destination, the old chimney/homestead. Here we had a chat and a couple of snacks and shortly shoved off to continue paddling the length of Town Creek to its end. Paddling in we saw a total of at least 5 eagles: One immature, one white belly, and three matures. On our return we saw one flying overhead which could have potentially been one of the same seen earlier.
I truly enjoyed meeting all the new people and hope we can meet-up again soon.
Anyone willing to write and contribute about this trip or other trips, please chime in. I/we would be glad to hear from you.
Brian Westcott
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